Global Asian Parent Networking

Last Friday evening, I went another Global Asian networking happy hour which was held at Asia Society's Leo Bar with my buddy's husband Peter again.
This place is spectacular, it's a perfect representation of Global Asian but it's too crowded...and it's more of a New Yorker gathering than a Global Asian style. But the stylish invitation card for the gala event caught my eyes.

The lion-dog which is the cover design of invitation card, is from Saga prefecture in Japan, seemed to have contents valued in the range of $225~$10,000 which is incredible as well. Well after all, here we are in Upper east in Manhattan, in order flourish a new culture, the wealthy patrons are required. It’s the moment of a reality check in the limitation of grassroots power.
The next day, I took my son to his friend’s birthday party. Weekends are for the family. Do you know Kids birthday party is really ravishing in America? (The photo is the party place)

R’s parents are Korean-American. Most of my son's class mates have dual citizenships with China, Korea and India .Although, while R's mom chats with her Korean friends in Korean, we chat with each other in English. The Chinese, Korean and Indian parent’s commonality portray an accented priority regarding the seriousness of their children's education. The math and reading learning center Kumon (yes, it come from Japan) is really popular among Asian parents. After the party, American-Chinese M's daddy invited Korean-American: R and Japanese-American: My son for the playmate.
I realized I 'm doing GlobalAsian networking in private as well.
先週金曜日夜、悪友のご主人ピーターさんとまたグローバルアジアンのネットワーキングの為、アーパーイーストにあるアジアソサイエティー のネットワークパーティに潜入しました。
誕生パーティーに招待してくれたライアン君のご両親は韓国系アメリカ人、美男美女カップル。息子のクラスメートは米国国籍と二重国籍の中国人、韓国人、インド人が多いのです。さすがにライアン君のママ友同士は、韓国語で会話をしていましたが、ここ米国では、中国人、韓国人、インド人のママ友が、英語で会話。アジア人の両親に共通していることは、教育熱心。近所にある KUMON (そうです、日本の公文です)は、アジア人の子供達で満員盛況です。