Under the Construction Quiet Woods Japanese Version

"ORIENTED Happy Hour in New York" Sneaking Report

Francis & Peter

Entrepreneur wannabe just interrupt "Please help networking next week as well"to Peter.

Asian network "Oriented.com" was sponsoring the networking party at a trendy night club "Suzy Wong" in Chelsea, Manhattan on Thursday, January 29. I'm a shy and stubborn person with no experience of marketing, so I asked to take my buddy's husband, Peter with me since he can speak Chinese & Japanese fluently and his friendly personality as his nickname "Shrek" is perfect for a sales and marketing role within Global Asian network, and this strategy worked really well. Here we are in Manhattan. We met many Global Asian attendees whose occupation was mainly Finance, IT related and met many attractive women. Somehow their common feature reveals being fond of Japan. However, the wave of the global recession influenced Asia as well, so a lot of people concluded to stay in New York.
All of sudden, I lost Peter, "Where is he?
When I found him, he was stuck and blissful in front of a stunning Shanghai beauty Frances. When I chatted with her, I found her to be indeed beautiful, intelligent and an attractive lady, could easily be the winner of "Miss Global Asian"
Although my buddy assured me "Please take him back with you", I am glad that Peter had a really good time so that he can look forward to help me the next networking party.

1月29日(木)はグローバルアジアンのネットワーキングの為、悪友のご主人ピーターさんと一緒にマンハッタン、チェルシーのトレンディーなナイトクラブ「Suzy Wong」での,アジアンのネットワーク「Oriented.com」が主催のネットワーキングパーティーに潜入。シャイで堅物の私はマーケティング下手、経験なし。ピーターには、その達者な日本語と中国語、さらには悪友がつけたニックネーム「シュレック」のような万人に愛されるキャラを生かして、セールス、マーケティング担当となっともらいましょうという作戦はベリーグッド。さすがマンハッタン。ファイナンス、IT関係お仕事のグローバルアジアンざくざくいました。特に魅力的な女性、なぜか共通点は日本びいき。ただやはり不況の波はアジアへも大影響のようで、やはりニューヨークで忍耐という結論の方多数。
JAPAN & CROSS CULTURE 7071236854659426789

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  1. フランシスとモリシズ、交換可能!!どっちもイカしたアジアンだぜー。

  2. えっ、お義理で読者かと思ってたら、マジに読んでくれてたんだね。お互い、元気なジジ、ババ目標に頑張りましょう。



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